:: outside :: winter season , blue sky, orchids are the beautiful ornament in the garden...
and ...

:: inside ::
This is my new toy that Edu brought to me some weeks ago and finally last weekend I had the chance to use it and here I´ll show you the result of this simple but handful "toy" that makes...

CHURROS !!! Would you like to try some?

She is testing my sample!!! And she approves and eats some more. Inside I put "doce de leite" , it´s common here in Brazil, it tastes like a condensed milk but very creamy and yummy!!
And then I had to try this Jamie Oliver´s Apple Pie recipe that was my little girl´s delight ( mostly before eating it) , I think kids love THIS part of making the dough, don´t they? Especially when you add lots of butter...

As we measure each ingredient and we mix them I feel the magic of cooking together, talking about everything, silly things, laughing , the way it involves ourselves into a nice talk and cleaning ( by the way, lots of cleaning ), it makes me feel the comfort of being there and lots of more good times to come ahead.

And then the green apples, yummy!!! Of course she tried these , too!!!

And, tada ,it baked exactly how I imagined , so perfect and that makes me feel so good!

Our kitchen and the living room had this delicious scent in the air, apple pie smells so good! This is a true blessing, to have food on the table, beyond that, with a helping hand that turned this food so sweet.
And my little helper , my particular "Oompa Loompa" painting my new
table-to -be that will be used in the studio. This old wooden board was under our tatami at our former house and now we don´t use it anymore because I wanted a sofa to sit on! I guess I´m getting old...

Later on I´ll post some pictures of this table in the studio but for now, I leave to you this beautiful orchid , real treasure of the nature that grew right on our palm tree, so exuberant ...
Well, I am grateful for all of these blessings: the food, the life in family , what nature offers to us, friends,

Wishing you a very peaceful weekend with your loved ones and thank you for coming here!