Hi, everyone! I´ve been making some fun stuff in my studio and I wanted to share with you this simple tutorial for a simple everyday bag.
Short handle - 10cm x 7cm (1 piece)
Long handle - 35cm x 7 cm ( 1 piece)
Cute printed fabric ( apples) - 13 x 25cm ( 1 piece)
Green fabric - 18 x 25cm ( 2 pieces)
Green fabric for lining - 25 x 45cm ( 1 piece)
1 metal ring

Let´s sew the two green pieces to the apple fabric piece , this is gonna be the outer bag.

It´s gonna look like this, press.

Fold it in half, right on the center of the apple fabric and sew like the next step picture...

Pin and repeat for the lining fabric

Open them and leave it like this

Now, you' re gonna sew the bottom of the bag so pay attention for the printed fabric design, you will not want it upside down!

For the lining fabric, you´ll do the same but there is a little space of 5cm to leave open

like this:

Boxing corners : Mark 3cm x 3cm in all 4 sides of the bottom - make this on both the outer bag and the lining.

Opening the corners you will have this:

Sew them

Turn it and it will look like this, gorgeous!!!

Now, let´s sew both bags right sides together - the outer bag goes inside the lining

For safety, pin all around and then, sew.

Sew carefully

From that space you left open ( lining) bring the outer bag out.

Very simple!

Don´t forget to sew that open space, you can sew by hand or machine.

After pressed, it´s gonna look like this!

Now let´s make the short handle
Take the 10 x 7cm fabric, fold and press like this:

... and this

and fold again

Sew all the way, ooops, this doesn´t look so good, I´m sorry, I should practice a little bit more...

Repeat the same process for the long handle

Short handle will hold this metal ring

Place it right on the center of the apple fabric, sew the short handle on it

The same should be done to the long handle on the other side

Your everyday bag is complete!!!Feel free to use this image of the finished everyday bag in your blog and link to my blog ( Thank you!)
I ´d love to know what you think about this tutorial and also, thank you for taking your time reading this long, long post!!
Enjoy your weekend sewing , crafting, cooking , relaxing, drinking a cup of coffee, playing with children or simply, enjoy life!