My Dad lives in Japan and I always think how amazing it is to have all the technology to keep us connected so close using Skype or e-mails. I remember 20 years ago, it was so expensive to talk to someone living so far and when we spoke on the telephone we could listen our own voice and that was so boring... Nowadays I can talk to my Dad as he was on the same town, it´s so loud and clear !Amazing!!
We talk sometimes and he sends me images , photographs from there and I´d like to share one of them with you.
The one above is at my house and sometimes this cute little squirrel appears right in front of me when he gets down from the tree and the next photo is from my Dad and I love this one because of the Mt.Fuji which I think it ´s so beautiful . The clear water from the river and the blue sky is something I miss from his hometown. And I miss him too but it´s always so great to hear his voice on the phone.

Tomorrow my daily routine will change, my daughter´s going back to school , her piano lessons begins and I am pretty excited to pick her up at school again after a long time staying home.
Sending you lots of love and welcoming August!