So, we are all excited and counting down the Christmas Day and so is our little Rudolph!

And baby César is growing strong , healthy and full of energy, day after day!

A day of celebration , Akemi turned 3 , this little bright , shiny , smiling girl!!
Happy Birthday , little Me ( that´s how we call her) , you are an amazing sweet girl!
By the way, you see Camila by her side? She is so very scared of chickens, hens and anything with feathers that she really tried hard to smile and look that everything was okay!

And of course we had yummy food, this is the sweets party table! All made by my sisters in law that are very talented.

At the end of the party, baby César fell asleep in dad´s arms and I guess he was having sweet baby dreams... like milky chocolate or bananas falling from the sky?
Well, this was our weekend on the most simple and lovely way .
Wishing you joy and happiness with your family and friends for this week as we approach to Christmas day!