I went to see Camila at the swimming class and I saw her through the window playing with her friends, laughing, diving, having lots of fun, this little one really loves water! Her class is called Dolphin´s Class, pretty isn´t it?
And I made her a little surprise by appearing in the shower room and then I helped her to take the 3 minute bath , get her changed and then I saw her lovely , pure smile on her face! Then I know this is the true of all of life, those tiny moments and little joys seem to turn our lives more plentiful.
Today the package I was waiting arrived and everything I ordered came and now we are happy, happy!!!!
This paper will be used to the
ATC Kids Swap project that we intend to do this weekend , today it is the beginning of Carnival and the wax I will use on my chair ( the recycled one I posted here on February 16th) and the manequin, oh, this pretty little one is something I wanted for a looong time and now here she is, she is a female one!!! And talking about ART that we love so much, how about this website of
Gustavo Rosa, it´s lovely to make some art with our kids, it´s funny, entertaining and educational!
We´re gonna stay home, quietly, trying to get together since daddy was working hard all these last days that we missed him so much! We still haven´t decided about our plans but I have some things in my list ( yes , the
list taker is full of wishes!!!), like: pic nic, going to
Hopi Hari Park, visit some "pregnant" friends , actually there are 3 friends,wow, many cute babies coming this year!! , reading and playing at home , call some friends... the list is getting immense!!!
Wishing you all a lovely , inspiring, artistic weekend!!! And for our Brazilian friends, Bom Carnaval!!!
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