Saturday, November 26, 2011

Resting on the couch

Last Thursday at school a big boy gave a crash on Camila and she had her foot sprained and she had her foot bandaged in a cast, that was horrible and she cried a lot saying it was really hurting.

Since then she´s been staying at home, nestled in the couch and watching TV, playing games, reading books and enjoying this situation as she can.

We received my brother´s visit and he brought some video games and these delicious apple juice and fresh apples !
She loves apples and the tea she got from my dear friend Vanessa is also her favorite!

I go outside with my baby boy to look up the sky and see how life is full of surprises, good and bad... well, at least his sister is staying with us spending her time calmly and her pain is gone.

I´d like to thank everyone who called us and e-mailed us for her recovery. She is alright now and I guess on Monday she will go to school but it´s going to be another adventure for me, I´ll have to ask for wheelchair and an assistant will take her to the classroom... We´ll see ...

Wishing you a great weekend with much love!



Beti Copetti said...

Ai, tadinha da Camila! Mas a criançada passa por algumas assim, mesmo. Depois vira história pra contar! E vai ser a atração da escola!
beijos pra vocês!
Bom domingo!

Lori ann said...

how scary mina! i'm really glad camila is okay now, her smile in the photo made me feel alot better. poor thing.

i hope going back to school isn't too much trouble for either of you.
take good care. hi baby!

Angela said...

One of the boys here at our local school set fire to one of my pupil`s hair, and another hit her sister`s teeth so that her braces were broken - just for fun, or for too much vigour, or for jealousy? Who knows what goes in those boys` minds?
I hope he sees how much damage he did, the one who attacked Camila. She is lucky to have her loving family, and she is doing well, but I truly think that at th eschools there should be done more for preventing such rough behaviour!
Your concerned friend Geli

Mãe da Rita said...

Espero que a Camila recupere depressa!
Imagino o susto e a preocupação...
Bjinhos e boa semana :-)

Mina said...

Beti: Com certeza essas e outras virão! Beijos!

Lori: These are some scary things that moms have to face , right? I guess it´s just the beginning...

Geli: You are so right, that´s how bullying and other terrible things happens at schools.

Mãe da Rita: Obrigada e boa semana para você também! beijos!

harumi said...

ah, seu baby boy está tão fofo! e a camila, continua fofa, como sempre! melhoras pro pezinho dela!!!
e beijocas em todos vocês!
da harumi

Vanessa Scarpin Maurer said...

Aaaaaaaaaa que coisa essa queda da Camila, desejo melhoras rápidas para ela ficar serelepe novamente!
E ela gostou do chá então?!
Beijocas no boneco do César fofolete!

Amanda Summer said...

i'm so sorry your little camila's foot was hurt! as lori says, at least she is looking happy and well cared for in the foto! i hope that the return to school goes smoothly for her and for momma! xo

sonia said...

Mina,o que aconteceu com a Camila? quebrou ,luxou o pé??????? eita.Um bjo para ela e melhoras!!!!!!!!!
e pro pacotinho um bjo chupado na bochecha dele!
bjimmmmmmmmm sosso

Maria Amélia said...

Essa carinha feliz mesmo com o pé quebrado me fez lembrar da minha menina mais velha quando pegou catapora, eu fiz de conta que fiquei super feliz com as pintinhas e ela se contagiou com minha "alegria" e não deu o menor trabalho. Na época ela tinha 4 anos e a mais nova que tinha menos de 1 aninho deu um trabalhão depois de 15 dias quando apareceram as bolinhas dela. bjs para suas fofuras.

Ana Matusita said...

Tadinha da Camila, Mina!
Meninos grandes são sempre desajeitados...
Esses acidentes e as idas ao pronto-socorro fazem parte do currículo infantil, né?
Melhoras para a pequena!

Miki said...

Mina, que susto...
espero que a Cami se recupere logo,Lelê manda bjs pra ela !
O Cesar está muito fofo, se cuide bjs,