Dad went to his last Sushi class this Saturday and during the week he prepared some delightful sushi for my Mom´s friends and since I visited him I could taste some of his new specialty!

And this week it felt that we were eating , visiting and tasting everything Oriental as you can see on the next pictures.
Close to our house, there´s a chinese Buddhist Temple called Templo Zu Lai with its precise layout and harmonious structure and it is praised for its surrounding tranquil environment.

The next day there would be a great event for the Year of the Dragon , so there is a beautiful one and in ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and power. Today, it is the ultimate auspicious symbol of success and happiness.

Now you can see a photo took by my husband who spent one week in Japan, this was taken from the hotel he stayed , on the 40th floor, by night. Isn´t Hamamatsu beautiful?

And he is back after a long week , we missed him so much!
He had some time for shopping and he bought these great magazines and books for me, isn´t he lovely? And some delicious green tea from his Japanese friend.

In Dad´s absence, baby César behaved very well and I can´t tell how much my little girl helped me in everything. She´s learning how to take care of her little brother so well , she´s lovely and kind and very patient with him.

And here is Daddy , welcome back home!!!
Home, sweet , home.
How did you like this "Oriental" week with us? Have a wonderful week and may the celestial Dragon
bring great good luck to everyone!Comments