Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Awesome day

We´ve been to this fabulous hotel that´s located just one hour and a half from our home, an old farm from the year 1750, very very old.

The kids Camila and her friend Helena had a great time for there were some guys that took them for a short canoe trip , they could touch an owl and swim and play in the great lake that Linksurrounds the farm.

Nature everywhere, this is what kids need these days...

And my Dad took good care of my baby boy who was enchanted by the pool.
Playing with mom´s bag and feeling the fresh air of the mountains, so good!

And the girls swam in the warm water pool and they got so tired at the end of the day that they fell asleep on our way home.
We really had a great time , going out sometimes feels really amazing!

I hope you enjoyed this small trip with us ! Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!



Lori ann said...

mina, i loved going on this trip with you! what a beautiful place. is that camila in the canoe? wow! i really do hope to go here one day.

and thank you so much for your postcard, which arrived yesterday! loved recieving it, i was so excited to show chuck!

p.s. your dad and baby are so precious.

Mina said...

Lori: I´m so happy that the postcard reached you! And yes, you must come to this wonderful farm one day, with Chuck, how about that?

Vanessa Scarpin Maurer said...

Nossa, adoro passeios assim! A gente sempre volta prá casa pensando em como seria viver nessas casas de fazendo, na época do café!

Sweet bug said...

That sounds a lot of fun! You and your kids... and your cute father... He looks very well! Send him my regards! Beijos!

Maria Amélia said...

Que lugar maravilhoso! Acho que eu passaria horas observando esse casarão e imaginando o que acontecia aí dentro naqueles tempos de 1700. Aqui tem um museu que era residência do Barão de Jundiaí. Tinha um jardim maravilhoso nos fundos e eu costumava me sentar lá no meu horário de almoço e morria de vontade de saber como era a vida naquela época. Quanto aos aspargos, ficaram deliciosos e são daquela linha: "super fáceis de fazer". Seu pai é muito fofo. HOje eu ia pescar com o meu, mas não deu certo. Estou de babá. kkkk. bjs

Mina said...

Van: É um lugar onde a gente fica imaginando mil coisas mesmo! beijos!

Andrea: Soon my Dad will be there in Japan, again! saudades de você! beijos!

Mamélia: Adoro o clima de fazenda e imaginar o que eles cozinhavam naqueles fornos à lenha , imagine os doces e todo aroma que vinha da cozinha! beijos!

harumi said...

ai, que dia delícia!!!!! e as suas fotos estão mais que convidativas, dá vontade de ir agora!
seus filhotes estão cada dia mais fofos, se isso é possível!

Angela said...

I always love visiting you and family, Mina! You are all such a happy, sweet family!

Beti Copetti said...

Pensei o mesmo que a Van, quando vi a primeira foto. Que lugar pra morar, hem?

Anonymous said...

Olá Mina, tudo bom? Li seu comentário sobre a publicação de Direitos Autorais no site da Fashina:

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