Friday, May 11, 2012


 Camila had her first experience "driving" this mini kart and that was so exciting that now she wants to go back to try again.
 Her cousin just reminded her to make  the right turn !
 And little brother got so amazed by the sound of the karts and the speedway.
 Oh, and we visited a fantastic event held in a Shopping Center in São Paulo , old toys museum! I love these stuff, take a look, doesn´t it bring you good old memories?
an old sewing machine, I ´d love to have one of this!
 I used to listen to these children´s stories...

These were called FOFOLETE in Portuguese, I don´t know if you had these tiny little dolls in your childhood. I remember my mom gave me one when she travelled somewhere and she brought to me and I kept it for a long time and carried it with me wherever I went.

 Topo Gigio, there was a TV program , so cute!

 Here you can see Acquaplay that my friends had , Espirograf which was so fun to draw ...

Genius: I wanted this one but it was too expensive so I didn´t have this toy in my childhood , now we can play on the cell phone!

So, is there something else that you really loved playing when you were a kid? I remember the day I got a doll called Bochechinha, it was a Santa´s present and that Christmas night is the one that I can´t forget for the big excitement and joy I felt as a child...  good old times...

Have a great weekend!


Angela said...

That is a fun toy museum. I used to have a hedgehog doll with a turned-up nose and spiky hair and a voice which my brothers unfortunately operated out, but oh, I loved my Micki!
Kart-riding can get infectuous! A former student of mine started doing it at Camila`s age, too, and has become a real successful driver, surprising the guys she left behind when stepping out, showing she is a GIRL! Good luck!
And happy weekend, Mina!

Sweet bug said...

Cart sounds and looks fun! Mayumi had a try once, but in Fukushima. Where is this cart thing? Is it in Interlagos?
Have a fun weekend.

Sweet bug said...

Oh and the toys!! I remember I had a Genius ... But I got it as a gift from someone... Can't really remember who gave me that ... Beijos!

kyndale said...

I remember having one of those record players when I was a kid and also one of those baby dolls. I liked having my bike when I was a kid. Did you have a bike? xo

Vanessa Scarpin Maurer said...

Que bacana brincarem no kartódromo!
E que delícia de passeio no shopping... adoro essas boas e doces recordações das nossas infâncias...
Beijos e Feliz Dia das Mães!

Maria Amélia said...

Que passeio bacana! Amei os brinquedos. Sabe que ainda tenho o "meu primeiro gradiente" da minha filha mais velha? Tenho também esse joguinho verde de peças brancas. Já tive as fofoletes mas o genius também não deu para meus pais comprarem e eu brincava com o da minha amiga. Fazíamos apostas para ver quem conseguia chegar mais longe e eu era muito boa nisso. kkkk. Legal, adorei rever estas coisas.
bjs e feliz dia das mães.

Amanda Summer said...

i absolutely loved driving in small cars as does your little camila -- and topo gigio was my favorite!

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet mina, sounds like a wonderful weekend!! So glad the kids enough the mini kart and thatold toys museum looks wonderful. I like that sewing machine! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!