As you already know, I am a button collector and these days I ´ve been thinking how to keep my favorite ones in a special place ... So I created this
It´s Raining Buttons Cloud so I can hang it on my studio´s window and the sunlight shines on the colorful buttons that makes me smile and brings good feelings.
So, how about trying to make one of this?

Felt - 30 cm x 30 cm - white
Embroidery floss - blue
Buttons - from your collection, vintage, new, use what you have
Needles for embroidery floss
Cloud template ( draw and cut the paper) - draw yourself or ask a child, they make the best clouds ever!

Are you ready?
Cut out the cloud design on your felt , two pieces, pick up your best buttons, I took my favorite vintage buttons so I can have them all together hanging on my window and I can look at them all the time I ´m working in the studio.

Sew them on one piece of felt displaying two together or only one, it´s up to you to create here, this part, like others made me so happy!

In my project I put 3 strings of button drops falling from the cloud and I wanted two to be longer than the middle one that is shorter.
Here, I am showing you the first place to sew the button drops string.
Cut an embroidery floss, sew it to fix it and after that, start putting the buttons leaving some space from each other.

Using the needle pass the floss once through the button hole but if you desire, you may turn back and do it twice . Do it for all the buttons.

It will look like this.

This is how it will look with the 3 strings hanging on together.

It´s time to sew the hanging floss on the top of the two parts sewn together as shown above.

Is it well fixed? good!
Start sewing both parts together, and before you reach the end , about 5cm , leave a space so you can fill it with the stuffing.

I confess, I need some " Embroidery for Dummies" book for I can´t stitch anything but the running stitch , I gotta improve my skills...
So, when you finish it, it´s time for stuffing!

Fill the cloud the way you like, I prefer very soft so I didn´t fill too much.
Finish sewing and...

Here it is! This is my version for Candy Colors Drop, very colorful and fun!

This one is the Ocean Cloud, it´s very simple, monotone, only blue buttons that bring refreshing breeze...
I hope you enjoyed making it.
You may use is as a sachet or as a pincushion, give them to friends, family and I am sure they will love it!
Have fun!
With much love from Mina