Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sewing afternoon: PJ

After making this PJ´s bag to my daughter I thought I also should have done some pretty PJ for her.
And on Monday patchwork class we came out for this idea and Celia and Ilza told me how to make one in a very simple way , for dummies like me!! And it worked out so smoothly that everyone could really make it!
We picked up one PJ pants ( a ready one ) and then Celia made the pattern and then I did the sewing part.
The best part is the fabric: flannel for a cozy touch, it feels so good and guess what... My little one really appreciated this one!!!
The thing is that now I must make two more for she wears everyday and in rainy days, I can´t get this one dried!
To add a girly touch , we put this Butterfly on a ready made sweater , made some embroidery with her favorite color: navy blue and tadá!!



caçula said...

ahhhhhhhhh pendurado não vale! a gente quer o pijama na modelinho.

Unknown said...

Virei seguidora! ;)

Unknown said...

Querida, obrigada por me seguir tb! E que sorriso gostoso na foto, hein! Ai, eu amo ver pessoas felizes! ^^
Seu blog é a coisa mais linda!!!
Bjão, Simone!

Mina said...

Célia: pode deixar que eu fotografarei pela manhã , quando a luz é melhor... isso se ela não tiver babado alguma comida no pijama! bjs!

Simone: adorei o seu blog, volte mais vezes por aqui, ok? bjs.

Unknown said...

Sério que vc gostou da minha necessáire! rsrsrss... Obrigada! Tadinha, eu achei ela tão torta. hehehe... Mas eu vou melhorar! ^^
Obrigada pelo carinho! :D

gardenmama said...

Beautiful job! You are one talented mama and your girls are so lucky to have such cozy handmade!!

Vanessa Scarpin Maurer said...

Você quem fez? Que orgulho Mina!

Beijocas flor...