Wooden toys sailing the newest boat made by Camila with the Brazilian flag that she made herself.

Some of my studio corner I want to show you...

My new work: Circles

Some embroidery and appliqué technique has been used on this work.

Choosing the right color... , oh , hard job!

This is my messy lovely drawer full of treasure!
I can not believe I´m showing this mess to all of you!!! Excuse me...

The other corner I spend most of my time in the studio. The table with the fantastic
Olfa self healing cutting mat.

I´m sorry for this horrible light, I mean there wasn´t any decent natural light. Anyway...

By color: Pink


RED!! always RED. I heart Polka Dots!!!

The corner of the working table, no space for anything else. I need some more hours in a day to organize my sewing room.

Red boxes with pretty tags! And bugs! Thank you
Sweet Bug!!
So this is August and we´ve been busy these days under lots of rain , indoor playing, watching DVD, cooking, making toys and sewing which I really love and I decided to take some pictures of the latest work I´m totally obsessed!
I´m making a little quilt, maybe to hang on the wall to decorate and to bring some warmth into our room with some orange, yellow and those beautiful shades of gold... it makes me feel good just because I look at them, isn´t it simple? And I rejoice in the feeling of the Spring to come... Please , please, please, come soon!