Nothing goes with rainy days better than indoor playing cards, jaboticaba fruits, tea, cheese bread (which we call Pão de Queijo) and some Pinhão, seeds from a Pine Tree called Araucária (Araucaria Angustifolia) which is a very typical food in these cold season and delicious!
And some watercolor painting inspired right here...
And I like to do lists, endless list because I´m a list maker... Here it goes, a part of it!
I´m listening and watching: on YouTube - The Holiday movie soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, amazing!
I´m feeling : sleepy , it´s almost 1 AM!
I´m resisting: the little Godiva chocolate box that I got yesterday from my brother... yum,yum!
I´m reading: Last child in the woods , by Richard Louv . For parents concerned with the future of childhood, it´s a book that will make you unplug yourself and will make you realize that nature can be as amazing, mysterious and powerful as any TV show or a video game .
I´m dreaming : with these wonderful photographs and its decoration ideas...
I´m wishing: you all much joy and love for this weekend!!!
A Weekend of Joy and Love for you too!!
Have fun!!
Hi Mina,
I hope you and Cami can enjoy this raining day, maybe tomorry we can go out, don´t forget this weekend we have the Tanabata festival at Liberdade district. Maybe tomorrow we acan meet there...
kisses with love
Dia com chuva e frio até é bom de vez em quando. Um pouco. Mas aqui, já faz uma semana que não aparece o sol. E os dias, que já estavam frios, vão ficar muito mais frios, segundo a meteorologia. Assim, a tarde aqui foi de chazinho, pipoca, torradinha com geléia de goiaba e queijo. E a pilha de costura me olhando ali no canto da mesa!! ;-)
nossa parece que a mão da minha bebezita virou uma mocita agora,heheheheheheeheheh
bjs daqui a vc minaaaaa(num sei escrever em ibgles,snif,snif ,mas sei em ghanes(afro) que tal??????
Akwaaba,hehehehehe é bem vindo!
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