Go fishing with this little girl that gets all excited when she catches one little fish ( that´s really hard to be patient when fishing, you know...)

go for a walk with the loved ones, just feeling the atmosphere, fresh breeze , green leaves under our feet...

spread on the table all the colors you have in your art corner and let her make her own art... As the day was so "fishy", she came up with this wooden door stop to paint on, with lots of colors!!!

Don´t you just love looking at these joyful colors?!!!!!

Oh, yes, I really do, it makes me smile!

To be present is to make it happen when they ask for it!

You just have to keep everything close to you, easy to pick up and voilá!!
C O L O R E X P L O S I O N !!!

And playing with beads, making necklaces for every stuffed animal as she said, two necklaces a day, for two animals ...

Look !! I caught a little crocodile!!!!

Hehehe, just kidding!!!

This fabulous flower is : Golden Shower Orchid , a gift from my sister in law, Marta and finally it gave flowers, I love it!!! Thank you Martinha!!!

This was definately a treasured day, being with my parents , my daughter and my husband, savoring this ordinary day turned into a very precious one.
Thank you for following us on today´s post.
Warm wishes for your week!!
what a treat to be present with you dear mina and camilla. i love all the creative energy that flows around you and your home.
this was a beautiful post, thank you for sharing.
What a lovely post.
Being present has been on my mind lately. A lot. Especially what does it mean to be present with my daighter. I think you just gave me the answer. Thank you!
Lori: I think you totally understand for you may have done the same with your kids, haven´t you? Have a great day !
Anne: I loved your latest post, too! Thank you!
não resito a coresssssssssssssssssssssssssssss,yesssssssssssssssss
olá camiiiiiiiii,bjinho
Esta orquídea é muito delicada, né? Aliás, as orquídeas todas são, mas esta pequeninha, que forma uma chuva mesmo, é um primor!
Camilla is jus sooo adorable! I love this wonderful post and it made me smile! Thanks so much for sharing this with us and your gorgeous photos! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
momentos maravilhosos e belos registros :)
tenha um lindo final de semana.
Que dias maravilhosos estes não? Seja feliz sempre e sempre! Bjos
Dear sweet Mina, i hope all is well and you are having a good week! Love to you!
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