Sunday, December 12, 2010

Two Brazilian in Japan

After leaving the hot weather of Brazil, 11 hours later we arrived at Zurich airport and it was so beautiful outside with real white Christmas landscape. We stayed for about 2 hours to get into the aircraft again and face more 11, almost 12 hours in it. I was getting tired but this little girl ...

... Swiss Air offered so many cute amenities for her that she was amazed and pleased all the way to Japan! Look at this cute little stuffed airplane !

and also this happy face eating and having fun !

This is just the beginning so, please join us in this trip to JAPAN!!

My parents are Japanese but I confess that sometimes it feels like I am really very Brazilian for all the different culture I find here in Japan not only for the chopsticks or the green tea they drink but for the way they wear, walk, talk, act ...

My dad who lives in Japan now picked us up at the train station of Hamamatsu which is a beautiful city , far from Tokyo but still surrounded by skyscrapers and lots of cars and bicycles and people everywhere.

Then we finally arrived at his home, we will stay for two weeks. Are you ready, guys?

Two days later we decided to go to Kiosato, a highland resort at an altitude of 1300 meters at the northwestern part of Yamanashi near the border of Nagano.

First stop > lunchtime with Mt.Fuji on background

Welcome to Japan!!!



shi said...

Ai que maravilha :)
Quem sabe um dia eu ainda realizo o meu sonho de conhecer o Japão e voltar cheia de sacolinhas com coisas fofas :)

Querida, quando vou te encontrar pessoalmente ?
Estamos tão pertinho...
Beijo grande e uma linda semana pra vc :)

Vanessa Scarpin Maurer said...

Ai que sonho essa viagem... vou viajar junto com você, pelas paisagens, recordações, lugares... beijos e boa estada por aí!

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet sweet mina, so happy you are in japan visitng your parents!! I guess you know by now japan is one of my favorite country to visit. I am looking forward to reading and seeing all the wonderful adventure you have in japan!! Have a lovely merry happy trip sweet friend! Love to you!

sonia said...


Lori ann said...

Oh my goodness Mina! how exciting! i loved seeing your journey to Japan and how everything is going so far. Mt. Fuji is gorgeous. Enjoy your time with your parents dear!

Angela said...

I am so GLAD you made it and that I could help you decide! Creating happy memories is just what you are doing now, for all of your family!! Your parents will be so HAPPY to have you and show you all the places they love, and for Camila this is the time of her life. Yes, please take us along on your next steps!
Much love from
Angela (I waved up at your plane when you passed over us!)

Miki said...

Mina, que delícia !
Aproveite bem a viagem e curta muuuito com a Camilinha.
Nihon sempre é muito bom !
Seus pais devem estar também muito felizes em ter vcs com eles.
Bjs e até a volta : )

harumi said...

que delícia, mina!! aproveite muito a estada em terras nipônicas.
vou aguardar ansiosa os próximos capítulos desta viagem maravilhosa!!!
da harumi

Beti Copetti said...

Que maravilha!!!! Que maravilha!
Me deliciei com cada foto e cada palavra do relato da viagem. Espero os novos posts pra curtir (de carona) esta viagem!!!

Sweet bug said...

Ta aproveitando a sua viagem?? Que delicia hein?? Tell you what!! Nem estranho mais as pessoas daqui... O jeito deles ... Acho que virei um deles! rsrsrsrs!!